Friday, February 26, 2010

Costa Rica means "Rich coast", but that is an inexaustive list of what costa rica is rich for. Other than beaches, it is rich in mountains, reefs, volcanos, green everywhere, you-name-it-we-got-it list of wildlife, happy and friendly people, and a weather that is less than 65 degrees on a bad day. It is not very rich in rich people, but that is ok. I am waiting in the bus station 50 kilometers west of San Jose, in a city called San Ramon. it is sunny and humid, and a natural breeze is cooling me off. I started working on my tan. across the street they are selling coconut juice in a small plastic bag. 50 cents will get you this delicacy . I am still amazed by the sights I saw on my way here. honestly, I didn't know green had so many shades. I saw banana trees on top of a hill next to a lake. every five minutes a stream or lake would come into view, with the hills clearing up and letting you see miles and miles away. the houses are modest and gorgeous. They are painted with lively colors of hot red, warm blue, or questionable pink. cows, horses and donkeys just hang out, lay down and munch on some grass. they really dont have to put so much effort, just chew. and they are. there are a million types of plants whose names I dont know. a bunch of trees were duped from getting sun, because they grew up in a valley. no problem. they are just growing taller and taller, now surpassing their buddies up the hill, their green leaves hanging and bathing in the sun. a guy is building his house right on a stream of water. does anyone care? there is another one just up the road, and another one after that, and another one after that. no problem. people do seem happy and content here. I cant quite blame them, as they live in heaven on earth.